I was taken by surprise at the reponses I've received after posting this painting. Before I get into that I would first off like to thank Cristian Tristan for permiiting me to use her exquisite photograph in the creation of this 11 x 14 oil painting. Her attention to detail and lighting as a skillful photographer are greatly appreciated and made this work possible.
The original thought for this painting came from my cousin who said she would love a rose with no color other than black and white. I needed an idea for my next painting and she so kindly helped me come up with this. I usually paint in vivid colors and the lack of it was a challenge for me, but challenges help us grow so I pursued her idea. After many hours at my desk painting and layering, I finally finished.
As I was saying earlier, the responses to a black and white painting truly surprised me. My partner thought it was my best painting to date. I think he wanted me to make him another batch of oatmeal raisin cookies, but the compliment worked. The cookie jar was filled. Others liked the monochrome. Really? Isn't color more interesting? Others liked the dew drops. I can agree with that. A former student purchased a print to hang next to a painting done by her daughter. Now that made me feel like my work really touched someone. Ah, the feeling of success for a moment.
Well, on to my next adventure. Stay safe and practice safe distancing.